
How do I convert a byte[] array to a CharSequence?

You need to write a class AsciiCharSequence that implements storing a sequence of ASCII characters in an array of bytes. Comp ... s ranging from start to end. For example, String s0 = "Вова и Дима козлы"; s0.subSequence(14,16) Must return "evil".

How to uniquely translate int -> byte-> int in Java?

int a = 412; byte c = (byte) a; //-100 int b = c & 0xFF; //156 Is it possible to get the original 412 in this case?

Translating from byte to long java

Here is the method byte [] bytes = { 0, 6, 36, -84, 113, 125, -118, -47 }; System.out.println(ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes).getLong()); Output: 1729172917291729 Why is this the answer? where do these numbers come from?